What are the signs of an early midlife crisis in women?
A few years ago, I confessed to some friends something that I’d been keeping to myself for quite a while–I was having an early midlife crisis.
For months, I’d tried to convince myself that I was NOT having some type of insane identity crisis.
I had just turned 36. I had an awesome husband. Great kids. A nice house. Nice car. A loving extended family and close friends.
But even with all of this, inside I was a mess.
Slowly, the evidence of a midlife crisis had been building, but like most people who experience this, I was in denial.
Taking a hint from the quarterlife crisis from my 20s.
Now, the quarterlife crisis and the midlife crisis are two different beasts, but it was helpful for me to draw from the only other crisis I’ve ever experienced.
One of my college classmates, Kenya Jackson-Saulters, wrote a book and gave an amazing TEDx Talk about her journey through the quarterlife crisis she experienced after college (check out her TEDx Talk here).
Reading her book and listening to her tell the story live at the TEDx Talk really made me think about my own experiences.
I could totally relate to what she had to say.
After getting my master’s degree, getting married, moving to a new state, and trying to kick-start my adult life, I experienced my own quarterlife crisis that was triggered by:
- Lack of job stability
- Lack of job happiness
- Less expendable funds
- College debt
- Regret for my career choice
I was plagued with issues that many quarterlifers deal with. And it absolutely SUCKED!
Eventually, I overcame the issues that I faced during that time.
After a helluva amount of resistance, I finally settled into my life.
I never, EVER wanted to feel that way again!
Life moved forward. Jobs changed. More money flowed into our accounts. Babies were born. I was momentarily content.
Keyword: momentarily.

Then I hit 35…and something happened.
At 35, I started experiencing a ton of unexpected emotions.
I looked around at my life, and despite having an amazing husband, two great kids, a beautiful home, luxury cars, and more stability, I felt a growing sense of emptiness that I could not understand.
It felt like I could feel time passing me by faster than ever before.
The idea that I had wasted at least a decade of my life NOT living my purpose crept into my thoughts and I could not shake it off.
Constant mood swings, feelings of extreme introversion, sudden feelings of regret about past decisions, feeling like I was stuck — These thoughts became a part of my everyday life and it was becoming unbearable.
Related Content: 7 Signs You’re Having an Early Midlife Crisis
What the heck is wrong with me?
I asked myself this question almost daily.
I’m the woman who writes about positive thinking and encourages optimism for a happier life.
Not the woman who has a negative rebuttal for everything.
I’m the woman who overcame her quarterlife crisis and found happiness in a place where she thought it could not exist.
Not this crazy, mega-b*tch, sulking around in her pajamas all day, thinking about how miserable life is.
Who was this woman having anxiety attacks and crying in the shower and feeling hopelessness and losing herself?
Surely, not me. Not the real me. Right?
My first thought was that I was having a breakdown.
Then, one day it occurred to me that maybe I was experiencing an early midlife crisis.
The idea seemed ridiculous at first.
C’mon. You’re waaay too young for that to be happening.
Or so I told myself.
You can’t have a midlife crisis in your mid-30s. You just can’t!
The midlife crisis is reserved for white guys in their late 40s who subsequently deal with these emotions by splurging on luxury cars and mistresses.
Yes, yes I know this is a ridiculous assumption. But this is seriously the picture that is conjured up in my head when I think of a midlife crisis.
A woman, let alone a black woman, in her mid-30s shouldn’t be experiencing one of those, right?
This is what I told myself.
But after months of dealing with these feelings, I knew something had to give. I decided to do a little bit of research.
Why You Don’t Hear Much About Women and The Early Midlife Crisis.
From doing just a little bit of research online, three things became clear to me:
- I’m not alone in experiencing these feelings
- It is entirely possible and more common than I thought to experience this at 35
- A woman’s midlife crisis is often much different from that of a man and often dismissed
Of the many articles that I read, one that really stood out to me was The New Midlife Crisis by Ada Calhoun.
Ada mentions the fact that part of the reason we don’t know much about women’s midlife experience is that for so long the focus of the term was directly applied to men and only men.
In the article, Ada goes on to say this,
“The complaints of well-educated, middle- and upper-middle class women are easy to dismiss as temporary or not really a crisis or #FirstWorldProblems.”
I can’t tell you how many times I felt shameful for feeling unhappy given the fact that I had so many opportunities that many others are never afforded.
It felt like I had no right to be experiencing these feelings.
I felt as if my emotions were invalidated by society and the perception that I was living a perfect and rosie life.
As it turns out, there are a lot of women in a similar situation as me — women who made drastic life and career sacrifices for the sake of their families — and that it’s not uncommon to begin having feelings of emptiness and loss of control years later.
Ada’s article also includes the stories of many women of different ethnicities, socioeconomic statuses, and backgrounds who are going through their own version of a midlife crisis.
Simply reading their stories made me feel less alone and less guilty for feeling the way I do.
Their stories helped to validate my feelings and gave me hope that I am in control of what I do in response to these feelings.
(A few other posts that I enjoyed reading include 13 Signs You’re Having a Midlife Crisis by Amy Capetta and Female Midlife Crisis by Lorna Martin.)
What steps can you take if you believe you are experiencing an early mid-life crisis?
- Confide in someone you trust. The feelings you are experiencing are real. Keeping them bottled up is a very lonely experience that only leads to more frustration. Tell someone how you are feeling. This can be your spouse, your best friend, a co-worker, or even a therapist.
- Do a little introspection and decide what’s really important to you. What you valued 10 years ago, may not be the same things you value in the present moment. It’s so cliche, but this is a great time to ask yourself, “What brings me joy?”
- Push reset on your personal goals. If your personal values have changed, it’s likely that your personal goals have changed as well. After you take a long, hard look at what you value in this season of your life, you can build goals around those values. Don’t worry about outside influence of friends, family, society, or anything else. Make a step by step action plan to go after the goals that bring you joy!
Instead of a breakdown, think of it as a breakthrough.
What I’m learning from my reading and research is that my feelings are in fact very valid and that it’s nothing to be embarrassed about.
Recently, I read an Instagram post by Leonie Dawson that said,
“So often we think that we are having a breakdown when we are really having a breakthrough.”
I’m now making the decision to view this whole breakdown experience as a breakthrough.
It’s a wakeup call.
An opportunity for me to embrace change (once again) and transform accordingly (and as I see fit).
I am happily starting my journey to a more purpose-driven life.
Part of my journey is sharing my authentic story in my unique voice.
I hope to inspire more women to do the same.
*Please note that I am not a medical professional and this post is not meant to be medical advice. I’m simply sharing my positive experience with you. Always do your own research and seek advice from a qualified licensed professional.
Thank you so much for putting this out there. It made me feel validated.
In the last 6 months, I’ve had surgery, quit my lovely job, moved across the country to follow my husband’s job opportunity; then landed and quit two more, well-paying jobs since I’ve been here.
What the heck is going on with me??? Now jobless, trying to find something that fits, missing family and trying to keep it all together.
The statement you made about moments like this being breakthroughs gave me a few seconds of relief.
Thank you for a good read. It has helped.
Hey Amanda! I am right with you and I’m so glad that what is written in this post resonated with you too. I’m still over here processing my own “breakthrough”. Things are getting better for me and they will for you too. xoxo
Thank you for writing this. So much of what you said resonated with me as well, putting into words some of the feelings I’ve been experiencing. The breakthrough mindset is refreshing so I will continue studying through knowing that I’ll come out a better version of me on the other side. Thanks for prepping me up!
Hi Lala! You are so very welcome. Sending you good vibes for your breakthrough! xoxo
Thank you for this post. I’m 35 now and I felt like I was alone until I found this post in a google search. I’ve overcome so much in my life and now I have more than ever before to now feel like a failure . After feeling down today, I told myself it’s time for a new beginning. So when you mention having a breakthrough, this confirms where I’m headed in my life. Thanks again! 🙂
Nisha, thank you so much for sharing your thoughts! You are absolutely not a failure, but I totally understand the emotion of feeling like you are. A lot will change for you during this experience. Just welcome your breakthrough with open arms 🙂 xoxo
Thank you. I am a sober living blogger and filling up Tailwind for the rest of the month, I came across this pin and all I can say is thank goodness, it’s not just me. I turned 35 in July and I tell you, All of this and then some have been going through my head. Not to mention, I am a recovering addict so I wasted over 10 yrs of my life regardless. I figured that was just the reason I felt this way bc I, of course, have regrets and feel like I should be further along than I am. Even though everyone tells me to look at all I accomplished in the last several yrs. But still…
All I can say is this post hit the nail on the head and I commend you and appreciate that you wrote it. I don’t feel as guilty or “crazy” now. lol
Hey Natasha!!! Thank you so much for reading and sharing part of your story in a comment. I’m still amazed by the number of us women experiencing this and holding the weight of these feelings of “craziness” all alone. The more of us who talk about it and share our stories, the better we all are. So glad you found my post! Love your blog and will be sharing some of your content as well! xoxo
I’m 33 years old and I’ve been nursing these exact thoughts and feelings for quite some time now. Today I finally asked myself the same question, “What the heck is wrong with you?” I know this can’t go on. I googled midlife crisis and I’m so thankful that I clicked your article. I got scared because I thought there’s something wrong with me. Am I having a breakdown? Am I depressed?
Thank you for shedding some life on what I’m going through. I do believe that I need to do something. I can confidently say that what I’m going through is just a phase, a process of breaking through. 🙂 Thank you!
Hi Joy! I am so glad you found this post and thank you for sharing how you are feeling in your comment. That simple mindset shift of thinking of this as a breakthrough instead of a breakdown is such a big step. You will get past this and find your flow again. xoxo
Thank you for writing this. I’m a few months away from 35 and never been an emotional creature yet here I am laying despondent on my couch wondering what is the meaning of my life, where am I going, do I bring value, does anyone else see me as good?… and then wondering what the hell is wrong with me to be thinking these things after coming so far :/
Definitely snuck up on me out of nowhere.
Hi Jen! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! It really is so weird how these feelings seemingly come out of nowhere! While the answers to those questions we begin asking ourselves don’t typically present themselves right away, there is some relief in knowing that your feelings and emotions are valid and it’s a part of your journey to work through them (WITHOUT GUILT). xoxo
Found this article in a Pinterest search. I’m 39 but last year after New Year, I suddenly had this impending sense of doom which was odd since I am a pretty positive person. It really came out of no where. Most days I feel like a fraud. I put on a happy face and go through the motions. I have no reason to be down…I have a great husband, great kids, I job I like. I have no reason to be sad and that almost makes me feel worse. I feel fat, unmotivated and out of control of my feelings, body and emotions. The good news is I’ve talked with my husband (who ironically is going through his own mid life crisis) and while I know it will take some navigating and work to get through, the sheer act of acknowledging it is already helping me feel better. Glad to know I am not alone!
Reading this post made me wonder how am I gonna go through this crisis with a half of “support” that you had.. I have amazing kids yes, however everything else is falling apart. My marriage is a disaster, I moved into a different country (different culture, different language) no friends, no family… unhappy with my job (realizing it’s even to good for my language skills). My biggest problem is that I literally have no one to talk to..
But yes, I have plenty regrets about my actions in the past. I do want to correct them, study again and change career. I’m afraid I’m not gonna have enough energy for that, being so low as I am right now…
Hey there Sara. First, let me say that I hate you are going through this right now. Your story really resonates with me because I too moved to a different country…far away from family and friends plus a huge language and culture barrier. It’s an isolating feeling…and if you can’t lean on your spouse…it makes it even worse 🙁 Still, there’s hope! I’m note sure what country you are in or where you are from, but maybe there is an international group nearby that you can join. Maybe this group has a subsection for moms so that you can include your children. In the absence of family, I’ve found that I’ve had to build my own version of family or a support network. Or maybe there is a support network through your children’s school (that is how I found 2 very good friends while living in another country). I also met some people through a local church (whether you are religious or not this could be an option to find support). I know it can be so overwhelming when so many things seem to be going wrong at the same time. Tackle these issues one step at a time. Write down the things you want to change and prioritize them so you have a starting point. If the thought of doing any of this sounds exhausting, that’s a totally valid feeling 🙂 Still, you will have to put forth some energy to make the changes necessary for you to feel more happiness. Only you can pull yourself out of this crisis. It will be hard, but you do have the power to do it.