3 Books to Help You Manifest Wealth

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If you’ve ever wanted to know how to manifest wealth into your life, you’ve come to the right place.

We’re going back in time, as we’ve compiled three books from the 1900s that will give insights on how to achieve wealth through manifestation, old school style!

These books from the early 20th century will introduce you to a world you never knew existed. You will change your mindset and how you see things, thus changing your world.

Not only will these books tell you how to manifest wealth into your life, but they will also give you tools on how to manifest whatever else you want in your life too.

Think and Grow Rich

Known as a classic entrepreneurial book, Think and Grow Rich! gives details on what made many famous businesspeople wealthy during the industrial revolution. Each chapter compiles into “The 13 Steps”, which the reader must do to manifest his or her wealth.

The author, Napoleon Hill, mentions a young man who wanted to be an apprentice to Thomas Edison but never met him. Even though the young man was never in the best of situations, he “had the thoughts of a king!”.

This small story was meant to show the persistence, perseverance, and a “burning desire” that one must have to achieve anything they want. In the young man’s mind, he never gave up and felt he was already the apprentice of Edison’s, creating his thoughts into reality.

The rest of the book mentions how the wealthiest Americans achieved their success: know your desire and don’t stop until you get it. You may face temporary defeat, but in the end, always have your mind wired to the goal with a positive mindset. Imagine as you already have it, and it will manifest itself.

The Science of Getting Rich

Most have not heard of this book, yet it indirectly started the “Law of Attraction” movement, beginning with Rhona Byrne finding this book and then creating “The Secret.”

The Science of Getting Rich comes off more pragmatically, stating that to get rich, you must follow laws that will give you a high probability of wealth. The book mentions doing things a “Certain Way,” stating that people can become rich by doing things in a precise manner which the author explains in each chapter.

The author, Wallace D. Wattles, states anything you want has an unlimited supply. Anything you desire, there is supply out there for you to get it. Knowing you will be supplied with whatever you wish, will allow the universe to manifest this into reality faster than you can receive it. Knowing is similar to feeling as though you have already received your desires.

The Game of Life and How to Play It

Florence Scovel Shinn was a woman amongst men in the manifestation space in the 1920s. She could not find anyone to publish her book, so she published the book herself, and it is still around today. Just knowing this fact should give you confidence in her methods!

The Game of Life and How to Play It emphasizes the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious mind. Your words are powerful. Your thoughts are powerful. You must clear your subconscious of things you don’t want to happen. The good will manifests itself, but the bad can too.

“Law of Prosperity” is a chapter about wealth, stating you must have confidence in your “spoken word” by having faith in what you are saying to yourself and know that there is “supply for every demand” when you ask the universe. Ask, and you shall receive. What you want is already yours.

Shinn also mentions karma, gratefulness, forgiveness, and affirmations in her book.

Take Action!

With discipline and the right mindset, you can manifest wealth into your life. All three of these books have common themes that people still mention today. Read, meditate on the lessons these books are trying to teach you, and act! You are limitless.

About the author
Shannon is a freelance writer from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. She completed her B.S. of Finance from university and is a day-trader during the day. However, at night she is a freelance writer, contributing to websites with her creativity and style of writing. She's interested in self-development, manifesting and journaling. She also has a pet cockatiel named Pookie.

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